EPD Forestia particleboard standard
EPD Forestia particleboard extra
EPD Forestia particleboard elite
FSC Certifikat
Iso certificate 9001
Iso certificate 14001
Nordic Ecolabel
Nordic Ecolabel - Construction and facade panels and mouldings
CE certificate
M1 Tak-ess Insp and One-step wall
M1 Wall and flooring
M1_Walls2Paint-Premium Ceiling-Walls4You
M1 Forestia eliteX FI
M1 brushpainted wallpanel
DoP-YT-01-18-22 og 25mm Flooring boards, standard and ekstra
DoP YT-02 Wall Panels std P2 and ekstra P3
DoP_YT-03 Forestia one step wall
DoP YT-04 Walls4you-Walls2paint-Wallpanel P4-Premium ceiling
DoP_YT-05 Tak-ess Inspiration
DoP_YT-08 Thermoflooring
DoP-YT-11_Forestia soundreduction floor
DoP_YT14 Forestia One-Step Ceiling moisture resistant
DoP_Yt15 Forestia One-Step Wall moisture resistant
DoP YT-18 eliteX
PDS_02.2023 Forestia Premium Ceiling
PDS_03.2023 Forestia Walls2paint
PDS_04.2020 Forestia flooring standard P6
PDS_03.2023 Forestia One-Step Ceiling
PDS_03.2023 Forestia Walls4You
PDS_03.2022 Forestia eliteX
PDS_04.2020 Forestia Flooring Extra P5
PDS_04.2020 Forestia Thermoflooring std and extra
PDS_03.2023 Forestia One-Step Wall
UKCA Certificate
A20 Building boards with foil or ready for overpainting
A20 Building boards without surface treatment